Larsinger, you may prefer to apply a broader meaning to "seismoi" than generally acknowledged. Without prejudice to the correctness of this broader meaning, the main point is the WT does not; in all of its commentary on the purported sign, the Society consistently limits its application strictly to earthquakes, and in so doing misrepresents the findings of the seismological experts cited above.
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
2011 Watchtower publisher statistics with analysis
by jwfacts inthe 2012 yearbook has released the publisher statistics for the 2011 service year.
a scan of the report can be found at and i have started updating the graphs at
as expected, it is following on from similar trends to the last 15 years.
Room 215
" The 5.4% increase in Bible Studies is pretty big. I would be interested in a graph showing the increase in reported Bible Studies in recent years."
It would seem that at least part of this may be attributable to the startup of "Family Worship Night," for which parents can count the studies with their children.
WT: "A sport is objectionable if too many people like it"
by cedars inif i may, i would like to offer another glimpse into the strange minds of the writers of the more recent watchtower study editions, this time on the topic of sport.. no doubt like many of you, i enjoy playing sport because (apart from anything else) regular exercise stops me from becoming fat and unhealthy.
during my time as an active witness, i often had the opportunity to play sports with other brothers, although i became increasingly frustrated that this was not (in my case) organised on a more regular basis by those in my congregation; rather, games of my particular sport were organised less and less frequently until they became virtually non-existant.. things have improved considerably since i became inactive and was improperly shunned by those 'brothers' i used to play sport with, because i have begun playing my particular sport with so-called "worldly" people in my local community.
apart from allowing me to get back into some semblance of shape (thereby keeping mrs cedars happy) i am also able to keep in touch with my neighbours and be more sociable with those who live near me.
Room 215
"Does anybody on here know how to play the flute?" I guess it's okay to play the flute, but certainly NOT in a school band!
Family Waste the Evening Night--the Third Anniversary
by WTWizard insome of you might remember that last separate book study.
back in early january 2009, they had the last one.
after that, it was added to the theocraptic misery "school(??
Room 215
I'd venture to say that the vast majority of dubbies simply ignored the "suggestion." That certainly is the case in these parts.
"this is a regime where everything that isn't forbidden is compulsory"
by cofty inanthony daniels, a psychiatrist and writer whose pen name is theodore dalrymple wrote this line about north korea.. does it remind you of anything?.
Room 215
It's been said here before: "The Watchtower is the North Korea of religions."
So "The Quiet One" now has a problem with my domestic abuse article...
by cedars insorry about this, i generally don't like confrontation of any kind, but a situation has arisen on another thread, and i thought i would give the quiet one the opportunity to explain her reasons as to why she dislikes my article on domestic abuse without hijacking someone else's thread in the process.. the sad thing is, i had an entire thread devoted to publicizing this article and receiving feedback, but he/she chose not to say anything on that thread, but have a go at me on an entirely unrelated thread.. anyway, i'm copying and pasting the whole conversation so that both sides of the argument can be seen.. a copy of the offending article can be found here: "'won without a word' - at what cost?".
i'm not necessarily asking anyone else to join in the discussion, although you are welcome to do so if you wish to add anything.
the purpose of this thread is to give "the quiet one" the platform that he/she evidently craves to criticize the article in public (i have offered to discuss this over pms, but that offer hasn't been taken).. so anyway, sorry about this folks... (sigh).
Room 215
"I'm only suggesting that people should base their accusations on what is printed, not what they think was meant.. "
I wish I had a nickel for everytime an elder said "brother, they can't say that openly; you have to read between the lines." They said more than enough in printed innuendo about the purported significance of 1975 to unleash a torrent of independent -- ostensibily unauthorized -- conjecture, from the platform and in private conversations, often by senior society representives, all of which they scarcely disavowed and in some cases openly encouraged.
Let me ask: if you let your dog off the leash and he goes on a biting rampage in your neighborhood can you morally disavow responsibility for the consequences?
New rules for talk recordings?
by discreetslave ini was told this is the new arrangement re recordings made known only to the boe.
can someone confirm this?.
one congregation cd is made of meetings, assemblies & dc to pass on to publishers who want to hear it.
Room 215
lots of "cloak & dagger" for an organization that purports to solely represent the Jesus who charged his true disciples: "what you heard whispered, preach from the housetops!" -- Matt. 10:27
could Jonah have survived in the belly of a whale?
by highdose inits not like he had access to oxygen, light, fresh water or food.
what about the digestive jucies in the belly?.
please correct me if i'm wrong, but surely this just can't be possible?.
Room 215
... Then Jonah, instead of rejoicing in God's mercy in sparing Nineveh upon its repentance, got pissed and went off to sulk, only to get bonked in the head by a falling gourd.
Room 215
They would have sent a follow-up letter to the elders in any case, letterhead or not... that's their modus operandi.
Not just elders in Victoria who need wwc
by Mattieu inin reference to the comments that it should not just be the elders getting the working with children check in victoria, i just caught up with my mate who is still an elder and his 2 buddies (who were also elders), one who turned out to be the p/o (sorry, still stuck with the old lingo).
3 elders and a so called apostate, and yes we were all drinking beers, ok, i wasnt, that nz sav blnc was too good to pass up.... the direction from bethel is that all elders/ m/s's and pioneers in victoria have to get the wwc, so its not just for elders.. the deadline for all elders, ms's and pioneers to get this check passed a few weeks ago.
in my mates congo, there was still a few m/'s and pioneers who had not yet submitted their application yet as well as 1 elder.
Room 215
"In the interests of transparancy?" God, that's the LEAST of their interests!! They thrive on cultivating the willful ignorance of their flock.